Olivia Aubriot, Researcher at the CNRS, Centre for South-Asian and Himalayan Studies
Meenaxi Barkataki-Ruscheweyh, Research Fellow, University of Goettingen and Academy of Sciences, Goettingen, Germany
Laurianne Bruneau, Assistant Professor (Art and Archaeology), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
Thierry Dodin, University of Bonn
Pascale Dollfus, Researcher at the CNRS, Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (Nanterre)
Stéphane Gros, Researcher at the CNRS, Centre for South-Asian and Himalayan Studies
Dan Hirslund, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, Senior researcher at the CNRS, Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
Aurélie Névot, Researcher at the CNRS, LinCS (Strasbourg)
Philippe Ramirez, Researcher at the CNRS, IRSEA
Nicolas Sihlé, Researcher at the CNRS, Centre for South-Asian and Himalayan Studies
Gilles Tarabout, Senior researcher at the CNRS (retired)
Gérard Toffin, Emeritus senior researcher at the CNRS, Centre for South-Asian and Himalayan Studies
Mark Turin, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
Tsering Wangchuk, Assistant Professor (Theology and Religious Studies), University of San Francisco
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