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Category: writing and orality


Cultural Flows across the Western Himalaya

A look at Western Himalayan cultural flows from the perspective of several disciplines: This collection of essays is the outcome of a symposium hosted by the International Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla (15th–18th April...


Workshop Report: Minority Languages of the Chinese Tibetosphere

  Brief Report on the Workshop on Minority Languages of the Chinese Tibetosphere by Gerald Roche (post-doctoral fellow at the Hugo Valentin Centre, and convenor of the workshop)   On the 3rd and 4th...


Workshop: minority languages of the Chinese Tibetosphere

Please note the following international workshop, to be held at the Hugo Valentin Centre of Uppsala University, on November 3-4, 2014, and organized by Gerald Roche (currently post-doctoral fellow at the Hugo Valentin Centre):...


New book: Buddhist Rituals of Power and Violence

Sihlé, Nicolas. 2013. Rituels bouddhiques de pouvoir et de violence : La figure du tantriste tibétain (Buddhist Rituals of Power and Violence: The Figure of the Tibetan Tantrist). Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études – Sciences religieuses 152. Turnhout: Brepols. (405 pp.)

Available from Brepols Publishers, Turnhout (Belgium):


Pouvoir, musique et chamanisme. La Chine des marges vue par deux ethnologues

Le Comptoir des Presses, 86 rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, organise le jeudi 27 juin à 19H, une rencontre à l’occasion de la parution de : Versets chamaniques de Aurélie Névot Le pouvoir en...


New book : Versets chamaniques. Le Livre du sacrifice à la terre (textes rituels de Chine)

Certaines minorités chinoises disposent d’écritures particulières. Celle des Yi du Yunnan, rituelle et secrète, est l’apanage des Maîtres de la psalmodie, bimo. Ces chamanes disent voyager dans le cosmos et communiquer avec les esprits...


Incompleteness in Yi writings

China officially numbers fifty-five “minority nationalities” (shaoshu minzu 少数民族)—an expression often inappropriately translated as “national minorities” and wrongly regarded as “ethnic groups”. One of these is the “Yi nationality” (Yizu 彝族), ranked first among...